luni, 27 august 2012
Vreau o tara educata!
De obicei caut poze cu mesaj pozitiv, insa aceasta poza mi-a adus aminte de ceva legat de poporul roman, v-ati prins?
Da, exact, romanii sunt vestiti in a arata cu degetul si a rade de actiunile celor din jur, fara sa intrebe, sa verifice motivul si motivatia persoanei in cauza!
Recent m-am intors din Anglia, unde mi-a fost imposibil sa nu observ educatia oamenilor si respectul care il arata semenilor sai. De mic esti invatat sa dai intaietate varstinicilor si persoanelor cu dizabilitati, sa saluti respectuos, sa zambesti politicos si sa te comporti asa cum ai vrea cei din jur sa se comporte cu tine.
E enervant de frustrant ca nu imi pot lauda poporul din care fac parte cu astfel de cuvinte, si nu din cauza ca NU PUTEM ci pentru ca NU VREM sa fim educati! Citesc destul incat sa descopar cat de educata era Romania in vremea monarhiei. Poporul stia ce inseamna cultura si absolut toata lumea era incurajata sa invete; intradevar erau si atunci clase sociale, probabil m-ai pronuntate decat acum, insa nu erai obligat sa ramai acolo, daca erai talentat si daca vroiai sa iti valorifici talentul, nu aveai nevoie de fraza "cunosc eu pe cineva" ci ti se valorifica talentul fara nepotism. Daca vroiai sa ajungi sus trebuia sa inveti, sa inveti mult, sa te culturalizezi si sa te auto-educi; sa ai un stil de viata sanatos incat sa poti face fata vietii!
Romania a fost educata..insa in zilele noastre tinerii nu ar fi in stare sa defineasca cuvantul "educatie"!
De ce am atasat asemenea poza si vorbesc de lipsa educatiei din Romania?! Pentru ca doar o persoana lipsita de educatie ar avea curajul sa judece si sa critice pe cineva, indiferent ca ii cunosti motivul pentru care face acel lucru sau nu!
Imi doresc o tara educata, si cred ca daca am avea la conducere oameni educati si culturalizati, am avea sanse sa de re-educam tara!
sâmbătă, 4 august 2012
He is my miracle.
This text is a part from my jurnal, an experience that I think everybody should read it . It was written 1 year ago:
"Yesterday after school I was waiting for my bus in a bus station and an old man came to me and asked if I know english, I said "yes". He needed informations about how to get to Sangeorgiu de Padure, he had to wait for the bus in the same station where I was waiting and because we didn't have anything else to do, we start talking and after 10 minute we were talking about the difference between West Europe and East, and about the romanian people who are going to west for "a happy life".
What I've discovered while we were talking is that he wasn't surprised in anything I was saying.
After that talk about differences, he asked me if I found my true happines, I told him that I am christian and I found my happiness in God, he told me he is a christian too and because his bus has to come, he wanted to pray for me in that moment. I didn't had time to react because he started immediately. I was to shocked to pray, also the bus station was full of people, and they were
looking at us; I was shocked when I was listening to his words, he was praying for my life and
for my problems like I ever told him how I am and what I need.
When he finished he told me that God wants me home, back home, and that the Holy Spirit is helping and
suporting me in my prayers. I felt that my heart is full of peace and power while I was talking with him. I told him
that I think God put him in my way, he didn't say anything, he was smiling at me; he was old, more then 65 years,
but I could see on his face that he was happy inside and young in his life. I invited him to visit Sighisoara when he
has time, but respond me with this words: "I hope I will see you Up there, sister".
Then the bus came, and those minutes witch seemed for me hours had to stop, I thought that my peace will go
with him. Before he got in the bus, he turned to me and shout "Be blessed sister" , everybody was looking at me
but I couldn't do anything then smile.
He was gone and I couldn't understand what was it, and why did he picked me from all the people who were in
that bus station. Why was he so misterious?!?
I can't answer to my questions but what I understand is that God wants me to know that He is still in my life control,
that He still cares and even if there are months since I wait for some answers, He listen to my prayers, He still
counts my tears. It was the answer that I was looking for.
A few days ago I was praying for a sign, for something that I could be sure that He still cares. So, He gave me
what I asked for, even if it wasn't how I was imagining but it was the greatest minutes I ever spent with someone.
All I can say is that yesterday God let me feel a part of His truly presence.
Why I wrote this? Because I want to tell you that God is there, is with you, is in you. He feels with you, He listen
even if He is not answering right away.
He still loves you, and He wants your simplicity to walk with His Holy Spirit.
God still loves you, brother/sister, and He still do miracles when you expect less.
I know life is though, I know people are mean, I know that the devil is more involved in our lifes then in past, I
know all this stuff, but I also know that God made us a promise, that He will win and He will take us back home,
when the time will come. the only way to feel the truth, spread love and joy, is the only way to show everyone that you are happy;
tell eveyone about the truth, it is the only way to serve Him."
Do all of this and you will see His miracle in your life.
"Yesterday after school I was waiting for my bus in a bus station and an old man came to me and asked if I know english, I said "yes". He needed informations about how to get to Sangeorgiu de Padure, he had to wait for the bus in the same station where I was waiting and because we didn't have anything else to do, we start talking and after 10 minute we were talking about the difference between West Europe and East, and about the romanian people who are going to west for "a happy life".
What I've discovered while we were talking is that he wasn't surprised in anything I was saying.
After that talk about differences, he asked me if I found my true happines, I told him that I am christian and I found my happiness in God, he told me he is a christian too and because his bus has to come, he wanted to pray for me in that moment. I didn't had time to react because he started immediately. I was to shocked to pray, also the bus station was full of people, and they were
looking at us; I was shocked when I was listening to his words, he was praying for my life and
for my problems like I ever told him how I am and what I need.
When he finished he told me that God wants me home, back home, and that the Holy Spirit is helping and
suporting me in my prayers. I felt that my heart is full of peace and power while I was talking with him. I told him
that I think God put him in my way, he didn't say anything, he was smiling at me; he was old, more then 65 years,
but I could see on his face that he was happy inside and young in his life. I invited him to visit Sighisoara when he
has time, but respond me with this words: "I hope I will see you Up there, sister".
Then the bus came, and those minutes witch seemed for me hours had to stop, I thought that my peace will go
with him. Before he got in the bus, he turned to me and shout "Be blessed sister" , everybody was looking at me
but I couldn't do anything then smile.
He was gone and I couldn't understand what was it, and why did he picked me from all the people who were in
that bus station. Why was he so misterious?!?
I can't answer to my questions but what I understand is that God wants me to know that He is still in my life control,
that He still cares and even if there are months since I wait for some answers, He listen to my prayers, He still
counts my tears. It was the answer that I was looking for.
A few days ago I was praying for a sign, for something that I could be sure that He still cares. So, He gave me
what I asked for, even if it wasn't how I was imagining but it was the greatest minutes I ever spent with someone.
All I can say is that yesterday God let me feel a part of His truly presence.
Why I wrote this? Because I want to tell you that God is there, is with you, is in you. He feels with you, He listen
even if He is not answering right away.
He still loves you, and He wants your simplicity to walk with His Holy Spirit.
God still loves you, brother/sister, and He still do miracles when you expect less.
I know life is though, I know people are mean, I know that the devil is more involved in our lifes then in past, I
know all this stuff, but I also know that God made us a promise, that He will win and He will take us back home,
when the time will come. the only way to feel the truth, spread love and joy, is the only way to show everyone that you are happy;
tell eveyone about the truth, it is the only way to serve Him."
Do all of this and you will see His miracle in your life.
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